Can I get more information on the 30 square meters of the pavilion? A semi-open space, a garden or a pond would be included in the 300 meters?
The pavilion can be open or closed, this depends on your idea of design. Tthe only characteristics to be respected are those described in the "design" section of the official announcement. The space used for the project, so the space that must contain and host the activities of the pavilion (described in the announcement) can not exceed 300 square meters.
The design of spaces outside the pavilion is not required, but if you think it appropriate you can be developed, but it must not increase the volume of usable spaces and must in any case respect what is written in the announcement. So planting new trees, pools, landscape, garden, etc. could be designed but have no relevance in terms of competition because the goal is the pavilion and what takes place into.
In addition, increasing of volume will be valued by the committee and may cause exclusion because it does not comply with the announcement.
What is the size of the brick (gray, clay, red ect)?
The bricks are not industrial products, but are built by the local workers with a shape that on average has always the size of 20x30x15cm. So all types of brick have more or less all this size.
How much do the fabrics cost?
If you mean the fabrics normally used for clothes, the price range could be among 800 and 2500 fcfa per square meter. The price depends on the quality.
If you mean other types of fabrics, you can refer to the average prices of the international market.
Am I required to keep the pavilion strictly inside the marked circle or can I use part of the surrounding area? If not the structure itself, is it possible to design its landscape outside the bounds? Is it possible to extend the pavilion into the river?
As written in the announcement the pavilion have to designed into the project area. So all the pavilion's activities required and described into "design"section of the announcement must take place into project area. Landscape or garden projet is it possibile but is not specifically required but it shouldn't be building, because the risk could be the exclusion by competition commitee due to redemption of 300 square meters and non-compliance with the announcement.
Am I allowed to make a part of the pavilion detachable in a way that it can travel through the river?
You can create removable or movable parts of the pavilion that obviously are part of 300 square meters and it must setteld inside the project area.
How does the river`s water level rise or drop during the rainy and the dry seasons, how does it affect the project site? During flood seasons can it extend into the project site itself?
The site, as you can see in the photos, is near the Casamance river. In the rainy seasons the level rises by about ten/twenty centimeters. Floods are possible but not frequent. As you can see the lot has a level close to that of the road, which is higher than that of the river.
Your project can, if you want, provide a protection system, but this type of study is not required in the competition.
What's about costs of Red Clay Brick, Red wood, straw, grey clay?
Red clay brick: (350fcfa/brick). Red wood: 5cmx7cmx4m (4200fcfa), 3mcx25cmx3m (6.000cfa), 20cmx20cmx4m (11.000fcfa). Red Clay(5tons, 60.000fcfa). Straw (500kg / 100.000fcfa)
Is there a calculation of space per person that we can follow
There is no number or people space expected. We invite competitors to develop spaces according to the quality of the design and not depending on the quantity of people.
How many people are planning to work there?
There will be a manager for the management of activities (who does not necessarily stay always in the office), the reception reseponsable, and a staff who may be called temporarily for the preparation of the exhibitions and events. You can indicatively think from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 5 people.
Is there an amount of restrooms needed?
There are no specific requests about restrooms needed, you can calibrate them according to the needs of your design. The area is not served by a sewage system.
What's about the realization of the winning projet
In the chapter "Objective" into the announcement we give more explanations about realization. This is non profit, so in addition to supporting the humanitarian projects of the Organization Balouo Salo, we would to provide the realization of the winning project in agreement and partnership with local authorities. So, as indicated in the announcement, if the winning project will be economically, technologically and anthropologically feasible, we will work with the local government to foresee the realization.
(SCHEDULE ERROR ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT) On the announcement there are the Jury Summoning on 25-28 May and then the Results Announcement on 4 May, but is prior the jury review, what's wrong?
The jury summoning will be on 25th April and Result on 4th May 2019.
On 16 January we published the announcement with the correction.
What means that the maximum floor area 300 mq?
The 300mq are the maximum indoor spaces of your design, where will take place the mainly activities.
What will the displays showcase in the exhibition space?
The articles could be very different so there are no specifics about it. It's important have a flexibility space and a exhibition variety.
What is the prevailing education system? Is there any specific way to teaching?
The school system is the French one. The traditional educational system takes place at home, and educational tradition is handed by the oldest of the house. Instead, communications instead of communities are made under the oldest tree of the village or in the house of the village chief.
For Spreading Awareness. spaces , is there any fixed furniture to be added or is it just an empty space that to be designed and furnished by the community later on ?
If you want you can integrate furniture, but is not specifically required by the notice. It's your choice.
Are we supposed to provide technical drawings with dimensions and details ?
All that is required is written in the "Material" section. You are free to express your project in the way you think is best.
To what extent is the Bamboo material available and being “local” and familiar to the community there? and is it easy to get ?
Bamboo is present but there are no large crops. It is a material used for coverings or rods for fishing.
I Would like to know if the internship at Kengo Kuma & Associates is for all the members of the group?
The internship is provided for the whole team.
What is the deadline time? Is there extensions?
The deadline is written in the announcement and on the website. There isn't extensions. All projects delivered after this date will not be considered, as it was written in official notice. So, We recommended don't wait the last day to load the project to avoid overloading the system.
In Sedhiou Town there are systems for water distribution and sewer system? And, there is the electrical distribution system?
There is a water distribution systems. The water resource is given by central wells and little wells built near the homes. There isn't a sewer system, the bathrooms are made through the ditches dug in the ground, usually 20 meters away from the houses. There is an electricity system with a low power.
Is possible to change project area?
No, is not possible to change project area.
What's the proportions of the religions in Sedhiou Region ( Muslim, Christians, Ortodox and Animism) and the distribution of ethnicities?
The 70% are Muslims, 25% Christian and the others Ortodox and Animism. The main ethnicity of the area is Mandinga (60%), in the minority there are Diola, Serer, Pular, Wolof, Manjak, Bambara.
Layouts have to contain the ID Team?
The materials must not contain names or references to the designers but just ID team. It's not required the layout contains ID.
I'm not able to access in Pay Pal payment system, can I register with another payment method?
The registration process via PayPal is the only way possible, and it allows to protect all the information you enter. If your PayPal system does not allow you to pay, the problem could be your credit / debit card or your country. You should verify that your country adheres to the PayPal system and if you can't solve the problem you should write to
It says in the guildlines of the competition that 1 A1 layout (841 x 594mm) in .pdf format, written in English, 300 dpi, maximum size 15 mb, horizontal layout. Is this a compulsory stipulation or we can break the rule?
It's necessary that all requirements are respected.
Is new technology as solar panels or solutions for water purification reachable?
We prefer natural energy systems rather than imported technologies. However if you feel you can use. All this is indicated in the "design" section of the official notice. Regarding the natural water purification exist natural filtering methods.
Teams missing one under 35 member at least will be disqualified. If I am the youngest of my team and I will be 36 years old in 2019 after the end of the competition, my team can take part?
Yes, all the teams that have at least one component having age between 18 and 35 years old at least until the end of the competition can partecipate.
The elaborate A1 I can put any kind of image?
As indicated in the "Rules" it is required to comprehensively represent the project through sections render sketches. Any texts are to be inserted in the English language (after exclusion), but it is preferable to communicate the project through images.
Is it possible to do underground floors?
You can build underground floors while providing the drainage systems from the water during the rain season.
Is the design building should be cosidered more like a temporary structure or permanent building?
The project should be considered permanent, but if you want you can also provide some temporary parts.
Does the Sedhiou community do construction together or are there special workers for construction?
In the Sedhiou community there aren't many specialized workers. Often, the community does the things together, and often in the group of work there is someone who has a more experience than other but it isn't special worker. The specialized workers could be found in the nearby towns like Ziguinchor or Kolda.
How are foundations built traditionally?
Traditional foundations are created in various ways, for example by concrete, by stone or brick concrete.