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Camillo Magni was born in 1973 in Milan, Italy. After studying at Politecnico di Milano and ETSA Madrid he obtained his PhD in architecture at Politecnico di Milano, university where he has been lecturer since 2016. In 2007 he co-funded Operastudio, an architectural firm based in Milan and New York.
Since 2007 he is chair of Architetti Senza Frontiere Italia Onlus, the Italian chapter of Architecture Sans Frontières International, an NGO founded as a result of an increased interest in social and environmental issues in relation to the built environment and dissatisfaction with ethical standards of mainstream architecture. ASF Italia has already worked in Central and South America, Africa and Asia. Its work takes form in two main fields of action: in live projects, by designing and planning spatial interventions that help to generate sustainable processes of development, recognizing local communities as the primary players within any process of transformation of the environment; in education and training, by organizing courses, workshops and pubic talks aimed at challenging the dominant focus and ways of operating of built environment professionals, and at raising awareness on the scope and potential impacts of socially responsive design and planning. In 2015 ASF Italia’s project for a secondary school in Cambodia won Fassa Bortolo International Award for Sustainable Architecture’s silver medal and has been shortlisted for the Golden medal of Italian Architecture.